We want to help you be successful in managing your blood sugars. We offer monthly diabetes group classes at the Elizabethton Medical Care location. At these sessions, you will learn the importance of meal planning, carb counting, healthy eating, and activity for managing your blood sugar.
If you would like to join one of these classes, please call or text our Care Coordination team at (423) 431-0517 or talk to your provider at your next visit.
Individualized – 1:1 Diabetes Education
In addition to the group classes, we offer individualized, 1-on-1 meetings. If you would like to schedule a meeting with our diabetes educator, please call or text (423) 431-0517.
Fundus Photo Eye Exam
We use fundus photography in order to screen for diabetic retinopathy. Fundus photography produces accurate pictures of the back of the eye (the fundus). A once a year screening is recommended for all of our diabetic patients. With these routine scans, we have found several potential problems that could have led to blindness in our patients. The screenings are read by board certified specialists at Johns Hopkins.
Medical Care PLLC is pleased to offer this FREE Weekly Blood Glucose Log Sheet. Please save and print this page to help keep track of your blood sugar levels each week. Download the log sheet by clickingHERE.
Blood Glucose Check
A blood glucose test measures the amount of a type of sugar, called glucose, in your blood. This test is used to check for and monitor diabetes. If you would like to join one of these classes, please call or text our Care Coordination team at (423) 431-0517 or talk to your provider at your next visit.
Hemoglobin A1C
The hemoglobin A1C test is an important blood test used to determine how well your diabetes is being controlled. Hemoglobin A1C provides an average of your blood sugar control over a six to 12 week period and is used in conjunction with home blood sugar monitoring to make adjustments in your diabetes medicines.
Urine Microalbumin
A microalbumin test checks urine for the presence of a protein called albumin. Albumin is normally found in the blood and filtered by the kidneys. When the kidneys are working properly, albumin is not present in the urine. But when the kidneys are damaged, small amounts of albumin leak into the urine. This condition is called microalbuminuria. Microalbuminuria is most often caused by kidney damage from diabetes.